Child abuse

Children are the most vulnerable segment of our society - They are helplessin every way and utterly in need of protection. The question then comes up - who should protect them? Your answer could be parents and guardians.

 Yes it is their first and foremostduty to give them all the protection they need. In fact it is the duty of every adult to ensure their safety. Even in animal societies the first concern of the adult animal is to protect the young. So why not among man?

The sad truth about child abuse is thet in most cases, the abusers are the very ones who should protect them; mainly the fathers ad to a lesser extent their mothers. Sometimes teachers too are responsible. The abuse can be verbal, psychological or physical. Most parents do not really know that they are abusing their children. Instead of boosting a child's self esteem, they are critical of their abilities which results in loss of self - esteem.

This leads to other problems such as shyness and reluctance to go forward in life. It is said that a child that has been criticized will always be appreciative. However, the best way to protect children is to educate them about abuse and for parents to be mare mindful of their children, An adult should always accompany the child when he or she goes outside the home.

But sometimes abuse takes place at home, not only by outsiders but by family members theselves. So we all should care about children. We all should love them. Children need protection, love, care and affection. 
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