Poson festival

Poson is a very important religious festival forBuddhists in Sri Lanka. It is celebrated in June every year on a Poya day because it is on this day that Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka. arahath Mihindu Thero brought Buddhism to this country from India.

 He visited Mihinthale in Anuradhapura during the time Kind Devanampiyathissa was ruling this land. Before his arrival people used to pay homageto the sun and the trees ana various other things in natre.

It is recorded in history that one day when king Devanampiyathissa was hunting in the forest he suddenly came upon a deer. He started chasing after it and while he was running he heard someone calling his name.

 Then he noticed Arahath Mihindu there and his followers on the Mihinthale rock. The Thera had then begun to question the king with the intention of testing his intelligence. The King answered every question wisely and there was pleased about his responses. Later, there established Buddhism in the country with the help of the King.
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