Rev. Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala

He was born on 20th January 1827 in 1840. His teacher was Rev. Aruggamuwe Sri Rewatha. Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala was a very celever student.

During this time, a group of monks came from Thailand ( Siyam Rata ). There was no one to speak with them in Pali Lenguage. In Hikkaduwe , they met the little monk Sri Sumangala and spoke in Pali with them. The group of monks were very happy about this little monk and spoke about him everywhere they went. So the name Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala became very famous across the country.

After thet well to do Buddhists of the area decided thet this clever little monk should be taught well. So he was handed over to Rev. Walane Sri Siddartha of Parama Damma Chethiya Viharaya Rathmalana.

Sri Sumangala thero started the Vidyodaya Piriwena. Even the students from Europe came to this highly educated thero to learn Pali and Buddhism. Sumangala thero was good at Sinhala, Pali, Sanskrit, English, Temil, French and Russian. His talents are evident in the books he has written.

He was the chief incumbent of Sri Pada, Sanganayaka of Galle area, deputy chairman of the Paramawiggnaratha Samagama. Rev. Sri Sumangala passed away on the 29th April 1911.  
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