Commotion at the palace. ( Folk Tale )

One day Andare was about to leave the palace after his duties. Rhe queen saw him. Then the queen called Andare. Andare went near the queen.

'' Look here, Andare, you have been coming to the palace for a very long time. But you have not brought your wife here. Why don't you bring your wife tomorrow? I'd like to talk to her ''

'' You majesty I obey your command. I'll bring her to the palace tomorrow '' said Andare.
'' But your majesty, there is a small problem '' Andare said again. 
'' What is the problem? ''

'' My wife is little hard of hearing. Your majesty may have to speak to her little louder. ''
'' It doesn't matter. I can tolk to her little louder ''

Andare went home and told his wife thet the queen wished to see her.
'' O. K. Let's go to the palace tomorrow itself '' said his wife.

'' When you visit the queen tomorrow, you will have to speak little louder. Because the queen is hard of hearing. She has been having thet defect since cchildhood. But if you speak louder, she will hear. ''

On the following day Andare took his wife to the palace.
Andare saw the queen walking hear and there in the compound. '' there she is.

Now go and talk to her at the top of your voice. Then she will hear what you say ''
Then Andare went into the palace to meet the king. He bowed the king and sat in his usual seat.

After some time, the king heard the   loud voices.The king went into the compound to find out what the noisy confusion was.

The king was confounded by the scene. He saw the queen and Andare's wife talking at the top of their voices. Since the king found the voices unbearable, he wanted to stop the two.
'' Stop it! Stop it! 

What is happening here? '' the king asked the queen.
'' You majesty, I am talking to Andare's wife in a loud voice because she is hard of hearing. ''
'' O. K, then, why were you talking loudly?

'' Your majesty I am also talking loudly because her majesty is supposed to be hard of hearing '' Andare's wife said. The king at once understood what had happened. He could not suppress his laughter himself. So he hurried out of the scene.

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