Should women go out to work ?

Today in our society many women do not stay at home and look after their children. Most of the women are not housewives today. The tradinational pattern of women looking after children and doing all the household work has gone. They have to go for work due to various reasons.

Many women go to work because they can't cope with the escalating cost of living. A family need a dual income for a decent living and giving a good  education for their children .The present day society is different. People spend a lot of money on food. 

They want to buy a lot of luxurious items such as T. V. s, refrigerators, washing machines etc. Everybody is interested in teaching their children well. So they send their children to extra classes. Withallthis, a family has to earn a lot. But the man who is the bread winner of the family can't afford all these expenses. That's why women are forced to seek employment.

However, women going to work has created a lot of social problems. Children take drugs. Some others join gangs. Some children grow up lazy and confused. Generally children need the full time guidance and support of a mother.
Present day girls learn well. They pass examinations Most of the girls in our school enter the universities. So these educated girls donot like to stay at home and do all the household work. They want to work some where.

It is understood thet we can't stop social trends. Instead we should change ourselves to the changing society. We should try to seek answers to the problem we have faced. We should go for alternatives. 

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