The city of Anuradhapura is situated in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka, in the dry zone. It is not heavily populated like Colombo. The city of Anuradhapura is called the golden capital, because great kings like Mahasena, Dutugemunu and Pandukabaya made it their capital.

The main occupation of the people living in Anuradhapura during the reign of kings was agriculture. When the rains were scarce, their crops failed, because of this problem, the kings of that time built many tanks or reservoirs. From then onwards farmers could get water from these tanks. The tanks they built were Tissa Wewa, Kala Wewa and Minneriya Wewa. The kings who constructed the most number of tanks were called Deiyo or gods by the people, especially the farmers.

Many wonderful works of art can be seen on the moonstones and other sculptures found here. The kings built many moonstones, but the famous one is the one in Anuradhapura. It is a half circle, with bands, each band contains a very unique picture. The first band has a sculpture of blooming lotus flowers. The next has swans, and the band after that has four kinds of beasts like horses, elephants and temples too.

Thuparama dagoba was first built in the shape of a paddy heap, but then over the years it has changed shape to its present form.

The next most spectacular sight is the sacred Bo tree of Anuradhapura. Hundred of locals and foreigners flock to visit this holy sight every year.

This is the oldest recorded tree in the world, brought here by princess Sangamitta.
All these have made Anuradhapura the most glorious city in Sri Lanka.
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