Handicrafts of Sri Lanka

There are many handicrafts in Sri Lanka. Pottery, mask making, cane weaving and making puppets are some of these local crafts. Ambalangoda is famous for mask making industry.These craftsmen use wood to make various kinds of masks. They work hard to make beautiful masks.

Wewaldeniya near Nittambuwa is also famous for cane weaving industry. Various types of cane goods are produced by the people of this area which are useful. The brass industry is also popular in our country. Kandy, Pilamatalawa, and Kalapura are famous for brass industry. The clever craftsmen heat the brass and then they make various types of brass goods. Beautiful lamps and vases are turned out by our local carftsmen.

It is sad situation that many of these local craftsmen have faced a lot of problems today. Many of them face marketing their products. Most of the people in our country prefer to buy cheap plastic products.

But we should protect our lacal crafts because they are a part of our culture and tradition. They also bring in foreign exchange. So we should protect and develop our local crafts.  
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